Visionary Gifts: Elite Results

Your generosity yields outcomes that elevate lives. Thank you for being a vital part of the ongoing impact of LSU’s growing endowment.

Showcased here are a few of the countless Tigers who are putting scholarship first by seizing opportunities, exploring their intellectual curiosity, and delivering results. Their elite performance is backed by the steady, year-after-year support of endowment gifts.



Sparking New Legacies of Achievement

Endowed scholarships empower students to explore their passions and instill confidence in what they can achieve.

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Nurturing Brilliance

In an increasingly competitive higher education market, faculty-focused endowments give LSU a recruitment and retention edge.

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Creating One-of-a-Kind Learning Spaces

A gift from the Rathbone family provided the opportunity to develop an expanded lab within the School of Kinesiology as part of the Huey P. Long Field House renovations.

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Discovering Safer Health Solutions

Philanthropic investments provide solutions-oriented faculty with the essential resources required to push the boundaries of human understanding, turning their ambitious visions into groundbreaking realities.

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