Privacy Policy

The LSU Foundation is strongly committed to maintaining the confidentiality, security and integrity of information entrusted to us by our donors. We recognize that providing personal information to us is an act of trust, and we have responded by establishing a privacy policy to protect this information. In the conduct of all Foundation activities, we adhere to the highest ethical standards and strive to build a high level of trust in our relationships with donors. 

Data covered by this Privacy Policy are those files, lists, records and other personal donor information—both electronic and hard copy—derived from the conduct of the Foundation’s activities. Included in this policy is information obtained from the LSU Foundation Web site,, and the TAILS donor management system. The LSU Foundation protects the privacy of online users and does not use personal information from visitors to our website unless it is provided to us voluntarily. 

The LSU Foundation adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights developed by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the American Association of Fund-Raising Counsel, the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy and the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Users of the data covered by this policy are required to sign the attached confidentiality statement. No discussion, reproduction, disclosure or transmission of this information is authorized except as required in the performance of duties as they relate to Foundation activities. 

The Foundation generally does not sell, or otherwise make available, any personal information regarding its donors to individuals or organizations other than Louisiana State University and its officially recognized support organizations as necessary to conduct authorized, LSU-related development activities. The LSU Foundation will not disclose personal information unless we believe in good faith that such disclosure is required by law, or that there are compelling reasons to release such information in order to protect the rights and property of the Foundation, or in the interest of public safety. Special requests to release information require the authorization of the President/CEO or his designee. On those rare occasions when outside consultants and vendors have been provided information and reports, such third parties are expected to guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided. 

In the processing of gifts and other transactions online, the Foundation has taken measures to ensure the safety and security of information transmitted through its website. Our secure server software (secure socket layer encryption, or SSL) is the industry standard for security protocol. This software encrypts personal information, such as name, address and credit card number, so that it cannot be read or decoded by others while being transmitted over the Internet. 

We will monitor and update the Privacy Policy as necessary to ensure the privacy of our donors, and any revisions will be posted on the Foundation’s website. By using the website, you signify your agreement to the terms and conditions of this policy. 

For more information regarding the LSU Foundation’s commitment to the privacy and protection of donor information, please email