Hamood Qureshi

Hometown: Lafayette, La.
Major: Chemical Engineering
Graduation Year: 2025
What extracurricular programs are you involved in?
On campus, I’m involved with the LSU Jazz Ensemble, as well as the Muslim Students’
What is your proudest accomplishment at LSU so far, and what goals do you have for
the remainder of your time at LSU?
I think my proudest accomplishment so far is being able to make the Jazz Ensemble.
I have the opportunity to play with some fantastic musicians and there’s so much that
I can learn from being in that environment. In the future, I hope to conduct research
that would hopefully get published, as well as study abroad and develop a broadened
worldview. I’m an engineer and I love math and science, but as an engineer I feel
a responsibility to tackle problems that reach beyond the STEM realm.
How has your enrollment in the Honors College enhanced your LSU experience?
I have enjoyed my Honors College experience so far. It offers a break from my STEM
heavy courses and allows me to explore things outside the realm of science. It allows
me to confront the social problems that I want to deal with as an engineer, as well
as ponder deeper questions, like the role of government in society and the responsibilities
that members of a community have to each other and the space around us.
Tell me about a fellow Stamps Scholar, or an Honors College faculty or staff member,
who has made a difference at your time here at LSU.
When I was at Scholars Weekend in Feb. 2021, I met Taylor Goss, and we bonded over
our shares passion for music. I ran into him again at a social in just before the
semester, and he let me play his 1960s Gibson acoustic guitar. I hammered out songs
like “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles and “Wild World” by Yusuf Stevens. Afterwards,
we had a nice conversation about musical influences and how influences developed by
Black musicians are still present in every genre. That conversation was the first
of many interdisciplinary conversations that I hope to have here at LSU. His conversation
showed me that people here are willing to have deep conversations, and that all I
have to do is join in.