Madeleine Gess

Hometown: Little Rock, Ark.
Major: Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Graduation Year: 2025
What are your future career aspirations?
I want to be a veterinarian and go into veterinary oncology. Being a part of cancer research in animals could allow me to do what I love while also, hopefully, impacting cancer treatment in humans. The research mentor I hope to work with soon is doing a comparative study with human and canine osteosarcoma, hoping to find something that works for both. There will be future advances in cancer treatment for humans, and my goal is to be a part of making them happen.
How has your enrollment in the Honors College enhanced your LSU experience?
My honors classes have already helped me use critical thinking to analyze text and art. The discussions I participate in each class have taught me articulate my thoughts and learn from my peers. The Honors College has also provided several internship and research opportunities that I look forward to taking advantage of in my later semesters.
What would you say to the donors of LSU, specifically the Stamps Scholarship Program?
Thank you. Through your donations, I have found a school and group of people that have quickly turned into my home. I’m very excited to do things like studying abroad and applying for internships without having to worry about the finances. Because of you, I can have a well-rounded college experience that I will hopefully carry with me wherever I end up after my time at LSU.
Tell me about a fellow Stamps Scholar, or an Honors College faculty or staff member, who has made a difference at your time here at LSU.
I haven’t had tons of time to get close to Honors College faculty or staff, but Dr. Fontenot has had a very large impact on my time committing to and entering LSU. I was immediately sure that the community in the Honors College would guide and support me with everything I did. I have experienced nothing less than empowerment and support since I have been here.
What is your favorite memory as an LSU Stamps Scholar?
So far, my favorite memory as an LSU Stamps Scholar was our hike at Clark Creek. It was a Sunday when I was relatively engulfed with homework, and the hike was a perfect way to relieve some of my stress and have fun. I was able to meet and speak with several of the upperclassmen I hadn’t yet gotten to know and got closer with some of the scholars in my class. It was muddy and involved a bit of climbing but was so fun.
I want to be a veterinarian and go into veterinary oncology. Being a part of cancer research in animals could allow me to do what I love while also, hopefully, impacting cancer treatment in humans. The research mentor I hope to work with soon is doing a comparative study with human and canine osteosarcoma, hoping to find something that works for both. There will be future advances in cancer treatment for humans, and my goal is to be a part of making them happen.
How has your enrollment in the Honors College enhanced your LSU experience?
My honors classes have already helped me use critical thinking to analyze text and art. The discussions I participate in each class have taught me articulate my thoughts and learn from my peers. The Honors College has also provided several internship and research opportunities that I look forward to taking advantage of in my later semesters.
What would you say to the donors of LSU, specifically the Stamps Scholarship Program?
Thank you. Through your donations, I have found a school and group of people that have quickly turned into my home. I’m very excited to do things like studying abroad and applying for internships without having to worry about the finances. Because of you, I can have a well-rounded college experience that I will hopefully carry with me wherever I end up after my time at LSU.
Tell me about a fellow Stamps Scholar, or an Honors College faculty or staff member, who has made a difference at your time here at LSU.
I haven’t had tons of time to get close to Honors College faculty or staff, but Dr. Fontenot has had a very large impact on my time committing to and entering LSU. I was immediately sure that the community in the Honors College would guide and support me with everything I did. I have experienced nothing less than empowerment and support since I have been here.
What is your favorite memory as an LSU Stamps Scholar?
So far, my favorite memory as an LSU Stamps Scholar was our hike at Clark Creek. It was a Sunday when I was relatively engulfed with homework, and the hike was a perfect way to relieve some of my stress and have fun. I was able to meet and speak with several of the upperclassmen I hadn’t yet gotten to know and got closer with some of the scholars in my class. It was muddy and involved a bit of climbing but was so fun.