Peter Kelly

Hometown: Baton Rouge, La.
Major: Coastal Environmental Science
Graduation Year: 2025
Why did you choose to attend LSU?
You can’t turn down the Stamps Scholarship. The opportunities available to me at LSU with this scholarship are unmatched anywhere in the world, and I can’t wait to start using the enrichment funding. Also, Scholars’ Weekend opened my eyes to just how much this university has to offer in terms of research and campus engagement, which is nice to know.
What extracurricular programs are you involved in?
I am a committee member in the Geaux Green environmental club, I work in Professor Giulio Mariotti’s lab in the College of the Coast & Environment, and I was elected to the student government senate. I will also be partaking in the LASAL program next semester.
You can’t turn down the Stamps Scholarship. The opportunities available to me at LSU with this scholarship are unmatched anywhere in the world, and I can’t wait to start using the enrichment funding. Also, Scholars’ Weekend opened my eyes to just how much this university has to offer in terms of research and campus engagement, which is nice to know.
What extracurricular programs are you involved in?
I am a committee member in the Geaux Green environmental club, I work in Professor Giulio Mariotti’s lab in the College of the Coast & Environment, and I was elected to the student government senate. I will also be partaking in the LASAL program next semester.
How have you used, or how do you intend to use, your Stamps Scholar enrichment funds?
I want to study abroad and pursue summer programs outside of Louisiana. I love this state, but the opportunity to see the world will be beneficial. Hopefully I will gain a broader perspective for how our state, local, and LSU community can be improved.
What does receiving the Stamps Scholarship mean to you and your family?
The generosity of this scholarship and its importance to my family cannot be understated. On top of the monetary value, though, being named a Stamps Scholar shows me that the university believes in me. This support is especially encouraging at such a large university.
Tell me about a fellow Stamps Scholar, or an Honors College faculty or staff member, who has made a difference at your time here at LSU.
My Honors 2000 professor, Aaron Lercher, has shown me so much personal attention throughout my first semester. It has meant a lot to me. We have had conversations about the material on numerous occasions outside of class. He has also gone to the library a few times to help me find a book for class research. The way he has gone the extra mile for a student he only sees twice a week for a few months has shown me that professors truly care about their students despite the massive size of the university.