Chelsey Gonzales

Chelsey Gonzales

Director of Industry Engagement

Chelsey Gonzales, MPA, began her career at the LSU Foundation in 2020 when she was hired as a prospect research analyst. Now, after also serving as a director of development, Chelsey performs her dream job as a director of industry engagement, deepening corporate relationships with LSU. A two-time Tiger, both of Chelsey’s degrees were earned at LSU. As a Louisiana native, there is no greater purpose Chelsey can imagine than doing work that helps improve the lives, health, and economic opportunities of Louisianans. 


Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?

Doing work that has a direct impact on generational economic mobility fuels my passion for working at the LSU Foundation. I choose to build my career here because of the support I receive to put all my personal, academic, and work experiences together to create life-changing solutions and opportunities for people, and I deeply care about people. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

This question implies that my days retain a form of consistency that they absolutely do not. And that’s what I love about my job! It is an empirical truth that no two days are the same in my role. I’m often in meetings, on tours, giving tours, crafting proposals, sweating over drafting an email, enjoying all the tasty food spots around Baton Rouge for lunch with colleagues and friends, and strategizing with various teams across the organization find solutions for a myriad of issues and opportunities. It’s never a dull moment around here! Whatever the day may bring, I am always having the time of my life. 

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.

I care deeply about the internal relationships between the LSU Foundation and LSU. I can only bring things so far before my work relies on LSU students, faculty, or staff and their impactful stories. My favorite work win was working in the College of Business and leading my team to create an excellence fund for the internal auditing program within the accounting department. Dr. Glenn Sumners is the most professionally accomplished and respected person I have ever met. To honor his legacy with a named fund means so much to me and the donor who created the fund. Knowing that this fund will ensure that students and faculty have the resources to continue producing world class talent brings me such joy. The impact of this fund is multi-faceted and will generate for years to come. 

P.S. the fund is called the Glenn E. Sumners Center for Internal Auditing Excellence Fund, and anyone can make a donation to support the program at any time 😉

Where is your favorite place on campus?

The Student Union! In undergrad, I was in LSU Student Government (SG), so I spent a ton of time in the union studying, eating, and working on SG projects. I love the union for its versatility. When I give campus tours I always go to the union and make sure to show off whatever is on display in the art gallery.