Chelsey Graham

Chelsey Graham

Assistant Director of Digital Communications

Chelsey Graham graduated from LSU with a degree in graphic design. She joined the LSU Foundation in August 2017 and is the go-to person for web updates and email campaigns. Currently, Chelsey focuses on the following areas: content updates; online giving and event registration forms; annual giving email campaigns; e-newsletters for the LSU Foundation National Board, LSU Foundation employees, campus leadership partners; and all things digital for LSU Giving Day.



Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?
I was looking for a place to spread my wings as a creative and develop my web design and content management skills more deeply. Equally as important, I wanted to be a part of a collaborative, collegial team. I hit the jackpot with our MarCom team!

What does a typical day look like for you?
There’s not really a “typical” day for me, but I typically start my day with the same few steps:

  1. Check my planner and tasks to see what is on my plate.
  2. Check email and Teams messages for any questions or requests that have come through.
  3. Prioritize the above and get rolling! I’m usually juggling a few digital projects at once, so I try to group my tasks (e.g., work on email design for a couple of hours, then switch to online giving forms, etc.).

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.
There were a number of times, but particularly, preparing for the Fierce for the Future campaign launch, I did some of my best work and even explored the use of augmented reality with one of our pieces. The campaign was a huge undertaking for us, and seeing our final product (web, print, video, etc.) filled me with pride. The cherry on top? MarCom got to celebrate our work at the ADDY Awards Banquet!

Where is your favorite place on campus?
The LSU Lakes have always been a favorite of mine. I would always look forward to my long runs on campus. I remember the days of, “I’m going to go run for a few hours at the Lakes!”