Sara Whittaker

Sara Whittaker

Associate Vice President of Communications and Marketing

Sara Whittaker joined the LSU Foundation team in 2010. She leads the communications and marketing team, which has the privilege of showcasing and celebrating the impact of academic philanthropy. Sara is a Baton Rouge native and earned two degrees from LSU: a bachelor’s degree from the Manship School of Mass Communication and a master’s degree from the School of Human Resource Education & Workforce Development. 



Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?
I grew up in Baton Rouge, my church is just outside the campus gates, and I attended the University Laboratory School, so I’ve literally been on campus my entire life. I deeply value the role of education in not just one’s own life, but also in terms of elevating quality of life for generations of families through degree attainment, research, and outreach. I chose to stay in Louisiana to build my career, and working for the LSU Foundation affords me the opportunity to have a direct role in shaping the future of my hometown, my state, and the future of every Louisianan. For more than a decade, this has been a dream job for me. Geaux Tigers!

What does a typical day look like for you?
“Typical” doesn’t really exist for communicators, but I love that! I spend a lot of time writing, editing, and proofreading. All day long, I collaborate with colleagues within and outside of the LSU Foundation. I am constantly strategizing about, planning for, and responding to communications needs and opportunities. If I had to distill my job into one phrase, it’s that I am responsible for ensuring that all of our communications align with LSU’s academic priorities. As an avid reader who loves to write, that is a fun puzzle to put together every day and through every project. 

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.
There have been many incredible moments in this role, but the one that comes to mind first when I consider this question is the announcement of Our Lady of the Lake Health’s and LCMC Health’s watershed $245 million investments to transform healthcare in Louisiana. Their incredible generosity and partnership are impacting everything from cancer care and health equity to STEM education and the healthcare pipeline. The whirlwind experience of being part of leading the communications related to that announcement was memorable, and the moment of standing alongside those partners and my colleagues – all of whom are motivated to make Louisianans’ lives better – was surreal in the best possible way.

Where is your favorite place on campus?
I adore the Quad, but Dalrymple Drive starting at the Parade Ground and ending just past U-High feels like home every time. I have a lifetime of wonderful memories along that stretch of oak-lined land, and it is a living reminder of how grateful I am for my experiences as both a Cub and a Tiger.