Sean Porter

Sean Porter

Assistant General Counsel

Sean Porter began his career at the LSU Foundation in 2023 after 10 years of working as an attorney in the public sector. As the assistant general counsel, Sean works closely with the LSU Foundation’s leadership team and uses his knowledge of contracts, real estate, and public-private partnerships to facilitate the LSU Foundation’s numerous projects across the LSU system. Sean is a proud alumnus of the Manship School of Mass Communication and the Paul M. Hebert Law Center.


Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?
I formed lifelong friendships and received a great education at LSU. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to put my knowledge and skills to work in service of a university that means so much to me and the people of Louisiana.

What does a typical day look like for you?
The LSU Foundation works closely with the university on many projects meant to improve the built environment, which includes infrastructure upgrades, new buildings, and renovations to existing facilities. I draft contracts, attend meetings, and make sure the LSU Foundation’s projects are on time and under budget. I also assist with our board meetings and in reviewing the numerous gift agreements sent to our legal team each year.

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.
The LSU Foundation has been entrusted with administering the immense University Lakes restoration project, which was over a decade in the making. Driving by the lakes and finally seeing dredges in the water in the fall of 2023 was very exciting. I look forward to getting out there in my kayak when all the work is finished.

Where is your favorite place on campus?
The newly-renovated Huey P. Long Fieldhouse. It’s a testament to what can be accomplished when all the relevant stakeholders are aligned and moving in the same direction.