Stephen Hall

Stephen Hall

Facility Manager

Stephen Hall began his career with the LSU Foundation in November 2022. As the facilities manager, Stephen enjoys his activities managing the building that serves the LSU Foundation employees and guests. His background in construction management has helped him learn the variety of operations that happen daily to provide a highly functioning facility. He is proud to be a part of the team and wants to provide a state-of-the-art place for its members to strive. 


Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?
I chose to work at the LSU Foundation because of the people and purpose of the organization. It is very rewarding to have a small part in an organization that reaches so many people in positive ways. 

What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me usually starts with a nice stroll around the facility to look at what is going on. By doing this, I can get an idea of what areas need attention and a feel for the day. I will then usually get a cup of coffee and check emails, logs, schedules, etc. I will set up necessary events as needed. After lunch, I will focus on landscaping activities. I like to wait until folks get settled in the building before getting to work outside. On days when contractors are on site, I will get them checked in and started on whatever task they may be performing. From there, there is a lot of flexibility built into my schedule. There is no telling what might happen from day to day. That makes the job fun. 

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.
There have been several moments that have been work wins and made me feel the impact of my work. Some of my favorites are the simple thank you messages I receive from employees for helping them with a task or completing work on the building. For example, several people sent me an email thanking me for my effort in working with contractors to get the new sidewalk poured. It’s nice to feel appreciated. 

Where is your favorite place on campus?
Outside of Tiger Stadium, I think our terrace is probably my favorite place on campus. I am a little biased, though.