Chelsea Fontenot

Chelsea Fontenot

Director of Development

Chelsea Fontenot began her career at the LSU Foundation in October of 2018 when she was hired as a director of development. Chelsea is fulfilled by helping her donors find the joy in making an impact on the current and future Tigers. She also loves acting as a mentor to incoming team members. She is proud to be a part of elevating LSU after having received her bachelor’s degree from the Manship School of Mass Communication in 2012. 


Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?

Having been here since 2018, I was originally hired as the Director of Development for the Manship School of Mass Communication, and since I received my bachelor’s degree from the Manship School, it felt like coming home. Having been here for almost five years, I can say that I choose to build a career here because of the culture and the mission. It’s a welcoming, wonderful, fun workplace that has a real impact on our campus community and state.

What does a typical day look like for you?

There is so much variety in this work, so that’s difficult to answer. But a typical day usually includes a conversation with a donor or alum, sharing current LSU news with our donors, alumni, and friends, and an almost concerning amount of caffeine.

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.

This is such a tough one to answer because so many truly meaningful moments come to mind. This work lends itself to very intimate conversations about donors’ values, intentions, and life experiences. It is such a privilege to be a part of those conversations and turn them into real-world impact. Anytime I see an alum or donor get excited about the impact that they’re able to have at LSU – that is my favorite moment. 

Where is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is probably the Journalism Building. It’s one of the oldest (if not THE oldest) buildings on campus, having been moved brick-by-brick from the original LSU location. More than that, though, it’s where I received my degree and spent most of my time as an undergraduate student. It’s where I started my career in philanthropy and learned about how this work can have an impact in real-time on students, faculty, and programs. When I started at the LSU Foundation, I was pregnant with my first child, so it’s also where I worked when my husband and I became parents. The relationships I have made in the Journalism building have changed my life. It’s also the absolute best, hands down, no competition, the best place on campus to tailgate because you can watch the band play the fight song from the terrace during their march down Victory Hill. Unmatched.