Grace Fiorenza Hermes

Grace Fiorenza Hermes

Director of Development

Grace Hermes began her career at the LSU Foundation in June of 2017 when she was hired to help pilot the LSU Foundation’s first iteration of a mid-level officer program. Grace now serves as a director of development and is passionate about her work that helps to open doors for students to come to, and stay at, LSU. In her current role, she loves the fact that she gets to serve donors in Austin, Tx. and surrounding area – her home state!



Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?
As a student who did not attend LSU due to financial barriers, I’m very proud to have a career in which I get to play a part in removing the same barriers that I had for students who deserve to be here, especially those from out of state!

What does a typical day look like for you?
Whether it’s planning my next trip to Austin or New Orleans, making sure my donors stay up-to-date, responding to their needs, or shipping out LSU happy mail, I’m always busy and every day looks different!

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.
I once had a student email me in a panic over the cost of downloading Adobe to her computer for one of her courses. It was only a couple hundred dollars, but she didn’t have it and was potentially going to have to drop the class. Because of private dollars, the college was able to offer her support and relieve the stress and panic she was feeling. This was a reminder that every dollar makes a difference, and lives are changed through philanthropy every day at LSU in big and small ways. 

Where is your favorite place on campus?
I may be biased, but I love the Journalism Building. I love the history behind it and the prime location at the top of victory hill, which is walking distance to the Quad and Mike the Tiger. I love that my office is located here!