Jordan Jopling

Jordan Jopling

Assistant Vice President of Development

Jordan Jopling joined the LSU Foundation in July 2017. Jordan leads the Cypress Cohort, focused on securing philanthropic funding for LSU’s College of Engineering, College of the Coast & Environment, College of Science, and Ogden Honors College. Before joining the LSU Foundation, Jordan served as a pastor in Baton Rouge, La., and in Bentonville, Ark. Jordan holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication studies from LSU and a Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration from LSU Shreveport. 



Why did you choose to build a career with the LSU Foundation?
The core of what I love to do for work is managing relationships. I love meeting new people, getting to know them, and moving together with them toward a goal. Prior to working at the LSU Foundation, I was a pastor. Managing relationships fosters success in both roles. 

What does a typical day look like for you?
I have a daily balance of management and administrative responsibilities and donor engagement. My goal is to spend as much time as possible engaged with donors. Whether it’s writing a thank you note, calling to stay in touch, or traveling to go visit alumni and donors out of state, I am aiming for as much donor engagement as possible each day. 

Tell us about your favorite work win or moment when you truly felt the impact of your work.
I was able to work with a donor who gave a significant gift to support early childhood education. This gift was motivated by a strong personal investment in the field. It was meaningful to them and to the future of education in Louisiana, and beyond. 

Where is your favorite place on campus?
The benches under the crepe myrtles near the library in the Quad. My wife and I met there while we were both LSU students. There was a special moment there when I found her upset about a grade she received (it wasn’t that bad!). I stopped and talked to her and shared some encouraging words. The spark started that day, our friendship grew, and the rest is history!