Carol M. Calkins

Headshot of Carol M. Calkins, LSU Foundation National Board Member.Carol M. Calkins of Dallas, Texas, is a retired partner of PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). She is an alumna of LSU, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting in 1970. While attending LSU, she participated in Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta, the LSU E. J. Ourso College of Business Student Government, and the LSU Union Celebrity Showcase. She was inducted into the E. J. Ourso College of Business Hall of Distinction in 1998 and is a past president and current Executive Board member of the E. J. Ourso College Dean’s Advisory Council. She has served as a committee member for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, a city council member for the city of Gun Barrel City, and on the TACA Board of Governors and Grants Committee, among others.


My LSU Giving Story

What is your favorite memory involving LSU?
Being involved with the LSU E. J. Ourso College of Business Student Government when we began the process to build the Center for Engineering and Business Administration (now Patrick F. Taylor Hall) to replace Himes Hall. Later, being part of the group that helped to build the Business Education Complex.
What makes LSU unique?
Over the years, I have found that LSU is a globally recognized brand, not only for academics and sports, but for our successful alumni. There is just something different about the LSU “can do” attitude and confidence!

Why did you choose to attend LSU?
Actually, LSU chose me. As a high school senior, I was looking at scholarship opportunities as I would be funding my own education. In the spring of 1966, LSU offered me what is now known as an LSU 100 scholarship. I accepted, sight unseen, and I’ve never looked back.
Why do you support LSU?
Let me count the ways! First, because I would have never had the amazing career I had without an LSU education and the connections and friends I made there. Second, because I believe it is my obligation to help our LSU students realize their goals, just as LSU helped me. Finally, because I love LSU—the people, the opportunities, and the motto: Love Purple, Live Gold!

If someone asked you why he/she should make a gift to LSU, what would you say?
It is our duty as successful alumni to help future generations achieve, just as we have. This will be impossible without our help. 

What is your vision for LSU, and how do you think philanthropy can drive that vision?
To be funded with an endowment large enough that our deans have the necessary funds for teaching positions, stipends for PhD students, raises, and maintaining our programs and facilities in such a way to encourage new students to attend. 

What motivated you to accept our invitation to be an inaugural member of the LSU Foundation National Board?
It is yet another opportunity to give back for all that LSU has given me.

What most excited you about being part of the National Board?
Being part of the team that will help us reach our vision for LSU and sharing that vision with others.