Mary T. Neal

Headshot of Mary T. Neal, LSU Foundation National Board Member.

Dr. Mary T. Neal is an obstetrician-gynecologist who has transitioned from private practice to nonprofit medicine, serving as a part-time volunteer gynecologist at San Jose Clinic in Houston. She and husband, Ron, an LSU alumnus, live in Bellaire, Texas. Neal has a bachelor’s degree in zoology from LSU (1975) and an M.D. from the LSU School of Medicine-New Orleans (1979). She is the chair of the College of Science’s Advisory Board and was inducted into the college’s Hall of Distinction in 2012. The Neals have hosted countless LSU gatherings in Houston, including an annual student recruiting event at their home. She is an active board member with Medical Bridges, a regional nonprofit that recovers medical surplus and redistributes it to hospitals, clinics and healthcare providers in less fortunate countries.