Michelle Holoubek

Headshot of Michelle Holoubek, LSU Foundation National Board Member.

Michelle Holoubek is a graduate of the LSU College of Science, having studied physics with a concentration in astronomy. She focused her research on gravitational wave detection, working with both LSU’s resonant bar detector, ALLEGRO, and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). While at LSU, she also assisted in the development of software simulation and analysis programs for laboratory and educational use. She also participated in a summer research fellowship for LIGO at the California Institute of Technology. From 2008-2013, Holoubek served on the executive committee for the LSU College of Science. Holoubek earned her Juris Doctor from George Mason University School of Law.

Holoubek is a director in Sterne Kessler's Electronics Practice Group. With a background in relativistic physics, she specializes in software, digital healthcare, bioinformatics, and optical technologies. Holoubek has helped startups and Fortune 100 companies alike prepare and prosecute patents. She has provided infringement and invalidity analysis in opinions for a variety of technologies. She is also an accomplished author, having written or co-written many publications focused on patent litigation.


My LSU Giving Story

What is your favorite memory involving LSU?
Running into my husband in the foyer of Allen Hall—literally. I was headed to work in the physics building’s gravity lab, and he was completely lost. We ran straight into one another, and the rest was history!

What makes LSU unique?
LSU maintains its standing as a top-notch research institution without losing its charm. LSU conducts groundbreaking research, but still preserves its Louisiana culture and invests back into the community.

Why did you choose to attend LSU?
My department offered all students a job working there, so I appreciated the ability to be fully immersed in my major studies. The return on investment at LSU was extremely favorable. I could tell that the department truly cared about the students and gave them numerous opportunities to succeed.

Why do you support LSU?
LSU gave me more than I could ever repay. LSU is full of opportunities to create the future you want and full of faculty and staff members who are eager to help you reach your goals. They care about their students and want them to have everything they need to be successful in every aspect of life, not just professionally. LSU offers you more than just an education.

If someone asked you why he/she should make a gift to LSU, what would you say?
Every gift made to LSU helps the university to move away from the vulnerability of state budgets or other mitigating factors. Financial supporters put the future of the university and its students in the hands of those who objectively want them to succeed. Giving is also how we can pay it forward and leave a legacy for those who follow behind us.

What is your vision for LSU, and how do you think philanthropy can drive that vision?
I want to see LSU reach its potential as a top destination for the best and brightest in our country. Great education requires great educators and state-of-the-art facilities. Philanthropy can reduce the university’s reliance on the state budget for hiring and building decisions, all while keeping costs lower for students.

What motivated you to accept our invitation to be an inaugural member of the LSU Foundation National Board?
My experience at LSU ultimately turned me into the person I am today. It is not just about the job you want to have; it is about the type of person you want to be. If I can help others discover all that LSU has to offer and help them become the best versions of themselves, it will be worth it.

What most excited you about being part of the National Board?
I was excited by the opportunity to give back to the school that gave me so much! Even though I live over 1,000 miles away, the National Board provides me the opportunity to stay involved in a meaningful way.