Renee Masinter

Headshot of Renee Masinter, LSU Foundation National Board Member.Renee Masinter of New Orleans, La., is an alumna of LSU, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in 1986 and a juris doctor in 1989. Masinter is an assistant general counsel in the legal department of Entergy Services, Inc. With over 25 years of experience, she oversees, manages, anticipates, and responds to employment, benefits, and labor law issues as they develop. At Entergy, Masinter is responsible for, among other things, managing the activities of outside counsel; preparing and managing the employment and labor litigation budget; overseeing complex, multi-state litigation; negotiating with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, and other federal and state agencies; and directly supervising the Entergy employment and labor legal team. Additionally, Masinter advises senior management as regards the employee impact of various corporate initiatives, including mergers and acquisitions and plant shutdowns and restructurings, and she has extensive experience in drafting non-compete, non-disclosure, retention, separation, and other employment-related agreements. Masinter is a member of the board of directors of Lambeth House, Inc., a nonprofit corporation serving the needs of the elderly, and she chairs that board’s legal committee. She is married to Paul Masinter, also a member of the LSU Foundation National Board, and they have one child.


My LSU Giving Story

What is your favorite memory involving LSU?
My favorite memories are of LSU basketball games in the late 1980s—there was nothing more exciting than a close game in the P-MAC!

What makes LSU unique?
There is not one factor that makes LSU unique. It is the sum of all the wonderful experiences you get while being there—from a beautiful campus to Saturdays in Tiger Stadium to the spirit of the Tiger faithful. While visiting a very small college campus in Massachusetts a few years ago with my daughter, we asked a maintenance worker for directions and started talking to him. This guy, who had never been more than 100 miles outside of Boston, looked at us like we were crazy for being there and asked in total disbelief, "Why would anyone look at any other college or university if she could go to LSU?" That says it all!

Why did you choose to attend LSU?
I attended LSU because it was the best place for me.

Why do you support LSU?
My husband and I both have benefited greatly from our LSU degrees, and we believe it is extremely important to give back so that others can have the same opportunity.

If someone asked you why he/she should make a gift to LSU, what would you say?
A strong LSU is vital to Louisiana and the Gulf South region. We all benefit from LSU and what it offers our state, and we all should feel an obligation to do what we can to support the school.

What is your vision for LSU, and how do you think philanthropy can drive that vision?
I am hopeful LSU can both be nationally recognized as a center of excellence in higher education and compete successfully for the best and brightest students. I believe it is essential for LSU to chart its own course, which necessarily means not being beholden to the legislature for funding. Philanthropic support is vital to making this vision a reality.  

What motivated you to accept our invitation to be an inaugural member of the LSU Foundation National Board?
I was motivated by my love for LSU and the desire to help it to become both a nationally recognized university and the first choice for students.

What most excited you about being part of the National Board?
I love being a part of a team charged with communicating the positive and exciting things going on at LSU. Getting to know, and spend time with, other National Board members is lagniappe.